A : Gyomunim, my friend saw the doctrinal chart and asked me what the four turtle-looking feet were, but I didn't have an answer.

B : Oh, they're known as the Four Great Principles. If you're a Won Buddhist, they are teachings that you should put into practice.

A : What does that mean?

B : ‘Right enlightenment and right practice’ means to awaken to the truth and engage in mindful practice; ‘Awareness of grace and requital of grace’ means to deeply feel and know the content of the grace and give thanks to those graces; ‘Practical application of the buddhadharma’ means to study the buddhadharma and become useful people in this world; and ‘Selfless service to the public’ means to devote ourselves with sincerity and dedication to guide all sentient beings.

A : 교무님, 제 친구가 교리도를 보고 거북이 발처럼 보이는 것이 뭐냐고 물었는데 대답을 못 했어요.

B : 음, 그건 사대 강령이라고 한단다. 원불교인이라면 실천해야 가르침이지.

A : 그 의미가 뭔데요?

B : ‘정각 정행’은 진리를 깨달아 원만행을 하자는 것이고, ‘지은 보은’은 은혜를 알아 보은하자는 뜻이지. 또 ‘불법 활용’은 불법을 공부해 세상에 유익을 주자는 의미고, ‘무아 봉공’은 공익을 위해 노력하자는 것이란다.

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